The book of Second Corinthians is an incredible book, and one that not only shows you what life is like in full-time Christian ministry, it also...
The prophet Isaiah was never wrong, and we would do well to heed this prophetic word as we stand on the cusp of prophetic fulfillment.
We are looking at reasons from the Bible as to why the true student of scripture must of necessity stand on the authority of the King...
The last days of the Bible covers the time from right before the start of the time of Jacob's trouble all the way up to the...
I just wanted to take a moment to give you an update on our Free Bible Program, and remind you what a tremendous impact we at...
When Biden's minions come knocking on your door, be ready to give them the gospel of the grace of God and tell them how they can...
Aitken's King James Bible became known as the "Bible of the Revolution," because it was printed in a small size so copies could be distributed to...
Facebook warned me that posting verses from the King James Bible violated their Community Standards, and I warn them that Hell awaits.
Everything is Matthew 25 is aimed dead on at Jews and Gentiles who are just now coming out of the very end of the time of...
Tonight we will honor the men and women that the Roman Catholic Church burned alive in the flames for daring to possess a Bible in English.
Seeing a blood moon in the night sky during the Church Age has nothing to do with the end times prophecies found in Joel 2 in...
It is time for the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore grand opening and the start of our old-fashioned Camp Meeting revival!
Come to the grand opening of the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore this Friday in Saint Augustine Florida, we would love to meet you!
The Mark of the Beast from Revelation 13 is exactly what your King James Bible says it is, an implantable, biometric device to buy and sell.
We are looking at the Seven Mysteries, Resurrections and Judgments that every one who calls themselves a bible believer should have a working knowledge of, and...
Street preacher in London arrested by police for preaching from Genesis that there are only two genders in the King James Bible.
Today we are so excited to launch our brand-new NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore online, and we invite you to come check it out to get some...
Today I would like to bring you a message on God's promise to save His chosen people, and restore His holy land to a right relationship...
We are so very excited to be opening up the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore, Saint Augustine's only Christian bookstore and featuring the King James Authorized Version...
In a polar opposite contrast to the 'best life now' charlatans of our day, Paul models the the real Christian life looks like, and then tells...
In every age, we see God with one salvation plan, applied in different ways. Where does Lordship Salvation fit in all of this? Rightly dividing, of...
The 7 Churches of Revelation are not such a mystery when we look where John looked, and stand where John stood, in the throne room of...
Our rallying cry must be "Sola Scriptura!", and leave the 'traditions of men' to those who want religion instead of a relationship with the Almighty God...
Will the woke mob cancel the bible? Yes, they will, so make up your mind now what you are going to do when they come for...