Bring your King James bible and your questions as we open God’s word and spend some time in the scripture of truth. So many of you...
It is my heart's desire to help prepare you for your 'unbreakable appointment' that is coming so much sooner than you might think!
Biblical hermeneutics can only be understood and applied by first rightly dividing the scripture found inside of your King James Bible.
For some of you today who are 'trusting the plan', this will be a hard message to hear, a 'bitter pill' to swallow, but a message...
During the time of Jacob's trouble, salvation will be by faith plus works, and there will be no eternal security, you can lose it!
Jesus tells us the time of Jacob's trouble will be just like it was in the days of Lot and Noah, as God judged the people...
Our message this morning is a clarion call to the Body of Christ here in America and around the world, to rise up and get something...
Joshua 6 is a treasure trove of inspirational and spiritual application for the Christian living in the end times, as well as a powerhouse of prophecy...
Humans are tripartite beings existing as a body, soul and spirit, and the moment you were saved God performed spiritual circumcision on you.
Let's review the first three chapters of the book of Revelation in anticipation of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church in Spring 2021.
Flight #777 has started her engines and the door is closing as we speak. Hurry. The war is real, the battle hot and time is the...
LGBTQ+ activist Jayne Ozanne says Christians who do not celebrate homosexual gay sex should be prosecuted for hate speech and closed down.
The answer for Christians in 2020 to The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution is found in your King James Bible with the apostle Paul.
The book of Job has 42 chapters, and presents Job to us as a type of the coming time of Jacob's trouble where the Jews will...
This morning I will preach a message on finding the biblical will of God for you in your life, and then give you positive steps and...
On this program, we stand on the authority of God's preserved word, rightly divided, as found in the King James Bible, with sound doctrine.
Paul gives us a commission much like the Macedonian Call he received of the Lord to send out the gospel of the grace of God in...
Gold is found in Heaven, gold is found in the Temple, gold is connected to the creation of man, and gold is connected to Jesus Christ...
When the new versions remove the word 'begotten" from John 3:16, they are removing a reference to the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Death is always ugly, it's supposed to be, and this is what your King James Bible says will happen to you when you die.
The apostle Paul shows us 7 Mysteries that no other apostle ever had before Paul showed it to them, and why we are commanded to follow...
The Lord's tithe begins in Jerusalem, and it will end in Jerusalem, with a conclusion more shocking than any Hollywood movie could produce.
The book of the prophet Daniel is an absolute necessity if you are interested in understanding Revelation, it is the key that unlocks it.
Engineer feeds entire King James Bible into a natural-language processor creating an AI Jesus with terrifying prophetical end times results.