So in honor of my new favorite holiday, international #ExposeBillGates day, here is an eye-popping review of Bill Gates end times nastiness for you to share
Emmanuel Macron is quitting and seeking re-election to lead France out of the coming economic slump. Order out of chaos is the motto of the New...
They lied to us about the coronavirus, they lied to us about the lockdowns, now there's riots in the streets. Here is what is coming next...
We show you in the words from their own mouths the plan by global elites to force the 'great reset and they are using all the...
What we are witnessing is the Great Reset of the entire world to prepare the people for the arrival of Antichrist. The Pretribulation Rapture very soon.
Bill Gates went silent, Anthony Fauci disappeared, Dr. Birx went AWOL, but don't worry, they'll be back before you know it. As soon as the race...
We are looking at mandatory mask wearing, sick or not, and how Liberal elites are pushing for all 5o states to enact laws forcing this to...
Mandatory masks are not about your health and safety, they are about social control and keeping you living in a constant state of fear and panic.
UNIDOHappiness is the official home and secretariat of the United Nations International Day of Happiness, and part of the UN New World Order Project.
On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are going to show you what is coming next in the immediate future regarding COVID-19
There is no such thing as gender neutral, that is the frantic delusion of the godless atheists at the United Nations bent on world domination at...
In May Day address, French president Emmanuel Macron warns that life won't return to 'normal' after COVID-19 lockdown ends in the New World Order.
Bill Gates now says his COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine could be ready in 12 months and will focus all of its $40 billion in resources on injecting...
Thermal imaging cameras latest 'new normal' devices businesses hope will help reopen the economy while keeping people safe from the threat of COVID-19.
The Sudden Rise Of 'Roman God' Emmanuel Macron In Europe To Global Leadership Role Is Quite Stunning As He Prepares To Head Up The New World...
The very first New World Order COVID-19 response virtual meeting was run by the French president, Emmanuel Macron, and eugenicist Bill Gates.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Wednesday he favors all 50 states in America to declare bankruptcy amid COVID-19 coronavirus Plannedemic.
False Prophet Pope Francis Gives Emmanuel Macron His Blessing And Anoints Him To Take The Global Stage As Leader Of The New World Order In Phone...
The 42-year-old president Emmanuel Macron now positioning himself to take over the mantle of New World Order leader. And right now, he has no challengers.
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are going to look at Donald Trump and the Hebrides Revival, the Pretribulation Rapture and the New World Order.
From the very beginning we have been lied to by China, by the WHO, by Bill Gates, by Anthony Fauci, by the CDC, by all of...
Adm. Brett Giroir Details Public Health Infrastructure to Reopen America: ‘ Digital Surveillance, Coronavirus Testing, Contact Tracing’ through mobile apps.
Welcome to the Plannedemic, the 'new normal' brought to us by Bill Gates and New World Order with their COVID-19 coronavirus mass hysteria deception.
Shut down the country. Develop vaccine and digital ID. That's what New World Order eugenicist Bill Gates says America must now do to beat the coronavirus.