Today, in a last minute push to get the vote out, the combined power of Barack and the Boss drew only 18,000 people. Democrats are already...
In an astonishing display of media malpractice, CBS News quietly released proof--two days before the election, far too late to reach the media and the public--that...
During Obama's time in office, 14.7 million people were added to the food stamp rolls. Over that same time, only 194,000 jobs were created—thus 76 people...
At least two networks have emails from the National Security Adviser’s office telling a counterterrorism group to stand down,” Gingrich told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren....
Over the weekend, Facebook took down a message by the Special Operations Speaks PAC (SOS) which highlighted the fact that Obama denied backup to the forces...
An urgent request from the Libya CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. Consulate and subsequent attack several hours later was denied...
Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that...
White House visitor records show that administration officials have hosted numerous meetings with a series of U.S.-based Muslim political groups that have close ties to jihadi...
United Nations election monitors will be at polling places around the U.S. looking for voter suppression activities by conservative groups, a concern raised by civil rights...
After President Obama reasserted his vow to bring those responsible to justice, Mr. Abu Khattala spent two leisurely hours on Thursday evening at a crowded luxury...
'If four Americans get killed, it’s not optimal.' President Barack Obama, during an interview to be shown on Comedy Central, has responded to a question about...
After the last debate, Obama supporters renew vows to murder Mitt Romney. The Secret Service confirms it is "aware" of the threats against Romney, a spokesman...
Since Obama took over, food stamps enrollment has hit a new record high. 46,681,833 million are now enrolled in the social welfare program, according to the...
"I take responsibility" for what happened on September 11, Clinton said in an interview with CNN's Elise Labott soon after arriving in Lima, Peru, for a...
A Mexican telecom mogul who is one of President Obama's top donors are both getting even richer from the U.S. government program that supplies so-called "Obamaphones"...
The black middle class, which since the recession and slow recovery has suffered massive decreases in wealth and high rates of home foreclosures. Blacks overall are...
AAA is monitoring the price increases — on average nearly 10 cents in just the past 24 hours. California prices continue to go up, while prices...
The federal government notched a $1.1 trillion deficit in fiscal year 2012 — the fourth straight year over $1 trillion — according to a preliminary estimate...
After Obama's poor debate performance, unemployment amazingly drops, all by itself, to 7.8% in the blink of an eye. Mr. Obama, I guess you really do...
All over Lib Land this morning, you can hear the sound of weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth as Obama's epic fail in last night's opening...
A Muslim leader who said that Israel should have been added to the ”suspect list” for 9/11 was recently selected to represent the United States government...
The Obama administration is considering moving Guantanamo detainees to a prison in the president's home state of Illinois, unnamed US officials say.
'Friendly' fire attacks have killed dozens of our heroes. The Pentagon's response? Ordering sensitivity training about Islam
Our national embarrassment. Instead of confrontation, the Obama administration has opted for retreat.