The Pretribulation Rapture of the Church is Bible doctrine, and is found in both the Old and New Testaments of your King James Bible, how you...
The ordinance of the Lord’s supper is a call for all Christians to remind themselves of the true cost of salvation and to live in the...
Tonight we look at all the events from the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church right up to the awesome moment when, and where, Eternity begins! There...
Tonight we look at all the events from the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church right up to the awesome moment when, and where, Eternity begins! There...
Rightly dividing shows you the clear doctrinal difference between the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church and the Second Advent of Jesus Christ, that is our topic...
This is the 248th, and perhaps, last 4th of July America will celebrate, but if you’re saved and born again, the future has never looked brighter...
The destruction of the Temple, the sign of the coming of Jesus as the Son of Man, and the end of the world all wrapped up...
Eurovision 2024 shockingly showed us a world that is actively preparing itself to receive the coming Antichrist in the days after the Pretribulation Rapture of the...
Tonight we give you the all the tools you need for the next time a fellow Christian comes alongside you looking to steal your ‘blessed hope’...
Why are we suddenly seeing spotless red heifers again in Jerusalem? Because a temple is about to be built, and we who are saved are about...
There were those who, believing the scripture, were waiting for His arrival 2,000 years ago. Are you one of those waiting for His return in our...
There Are 7 In Your King James Bible starting In Genesis and going all the way clear through to Revelation, we’re looking for the Pretribulation Rapture...
On this special Middle East edition of the NTEB Open Forum, we answer all your Bible questions related to the end times timeline of prophecy With...
We look at one of the best illustrations in your King James Bible of the Church Age Pretribulation Rapture, and no, Paul didn’t write it! One...
Tonight we check in on the end times timeline to refresh our memory on the timing of all the events from the Pretribulation Rapture to the...
Our brand-new NTEB 2023 wall calendar features our exclusive ‘blue line’ Pretribulation Rapture Spring timeline of the launching of Flight #777 I am so excited! The...
Is it possible to know the day or hour of the Pretribulation Rapture? How about the Second Coming and the appearing of King Jesus? Yes, and...
At the exact moment Judas goes from being the man of sin to the son of perdition, the scripture sayeth that he immediately goes ‘down and...
Recent world events in line with end times Bible prophecy is pushing the timeline for launch of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church significantly closer to...
“I hear the sound Of a mighty rushing wind, And it’s closer now than it’s ever been. I can almost hear the trumpet, as Gabriel sounds...
Have you noticed the level of apostasy of the Church since 1948, the rise of the crooked televangelists and the lack of genuine Holy Spirit revival?...
We cannot know what year the Pretribulation catching away of the Church will take place, but we can know that it will happen likely in the...
The Day of the Lord commences with the day of Christ, two very different paths leading to the exact same place, but with completely different end...
The NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore is having our first-ever Titus 2:13 Sales Event this Sunday starting at midnight, and it's the best and biggest sale we've...