Contained within our dusty, old archaic King James Bible, the answer to any question raised by the scriptures is already present in the scriptures, you just...
The thief on the cross got saved without baptism, good works or church attendance, so what can we learn from that here at the end of...
On this special Middle East edition of the NTEB Open Forum, we answer all your Bible questions related to the end times timeline of prophecy With...
Paul wrote the New Testament books of Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians and Philemon while in jail, we call these the ‘prison epistles’ and they are both powerful...
Join us as we begin a brand-new multipart ‘Rightly Dividing’ series on spiritual warfare in the closing moments of the Church Age This is our brand-new...
Of course, no answer to any Bible question is true and accurate if it is not rightly divided accorded to 2 Timothy 2:15, and dispensationally correct...
Of course, no answer to any Bible question is true and accurate if it is not rightly divided accorded to 2 Timothy 2:15, and dispensationally correct...
The body of Christ started the same time the Church started, on the cross at Calvary where Jesus made a payment for sin in God’s shed...
On tonight’s Open Forum we will look at the Sermon on the Mount, Rightly Dividing, the best way to use a Bible commentary and take your...
The beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 comprise the constitution of the coming Millennial Kingdom of King Jesus. You can take any...
If we are willing to serve the Lord Jesus as good stewards here and now, the Bible says that He is willing to serve us in...
Tonight we cover the entire end times timeline of the coming 7-year time of Jacob’s trouble, come and endure to the end with us at Selah...
God absolutely wrote the Bible dispensationally, the fact you have an Old and New Testament shows you two dispensations right off the bat! Just this afternoon...
Of course, no answer to any Bible question is true and accurate if it is not rightly divided accorded to 2 Timothy 2:15, and dispensationally correct...
Are you trying to work your way to Heaven in the Church Age? If so, you’re probably a fan of Bible preachers like Paul Washer, Ray...
There is a specific way that God commands us to study the holy scriptures if you want your Bible to reveal its truth to you, and...
Join us on this edition of Rightly Dividing as we correct the grievous errors of the false teachings of the Word of Faith Movement and countless...
We are excited to be moving the NTEB Rightly Dividing King James Bible study to its new time at 7:00PM EST!! Just a reminder that tonight...
Of course, no answer to any Bible question is true and accurate if it is not rightly divided accorded to 2 Timothy 2:15, and dispensationally correct...
‘Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;’ What worlds were they? Welcome to the Gap...
Starting with Adam’s bride, Eve, taken from his own body, we look at the myriad types of the Bride of Christ in your King James Bible....
Of course, no answer to any Bible question is true and accurate if it is not rightly divided accorded to 2 Timothy 2:15, and dispensationally correct...
God has placed the truth about Himself, the Godhead of Father, Son and Spirit, in well over a hundred different places from Genesis to Revelation in...
David was the greatest king that Israel ever had, and he is a wonderful type of the coming King who will sit on his throne for...