On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at the most-explosive Book ever written, the Holy Bible as preserved by God, and in that Book we...
Jesus Christ is not an angel per se, as angels are created beings, but He shows up as an Angel in an appearance of Jehovah God.
Part 2 of another exciting NTEB open forum question and answer King James BIble study on this episode of Rightly Dividing.
Join us tonight for another exciting open forum question and answer King James BIble study on this episode of Rightly Dividing.
Tonight we will supercharge our 'rightly dividing' skills by reviewing all the gospels of good news contained in your King James Bible.
Rightly dividing clearly shows that the born again Church was never Israel, and the Jews and Israel will never be the Church.
Tonight we will examine if perhaps some of the doctrinal beliefs that you've been taught have made you a hyper-dispensationalist.
A fascinating study about the many dispensational promises that God makes to the Church, to the Tribulation saints and to the lost.
You're invited to join us for a wild, 90-minute 'open forum' King James Bible study where the main topic is questions from your Bible study.
We're looking at the evidence for the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church, and evidence for the post-Tribulation rapture of the Tribulation saints.
The prophet Isaiah was never wrong, and we would do well to heed this prophetic word as we stand on the cusp of prophetic fulfillment.
Tonight we are rightly dividing prophetical passages in the Bible looking for the historical, spiritual and doctrinal applications.
There is so much going on here in Luke 9 that it's hard to take it all, but as we do, we need to be rightly...
We are looking at the subject of Christian unity within the Christian Church made up of thousands of denominations, is such a thing even possible?
Everything is Matthew 25 is aimed dead on at Jews and Gentiles who are just now coming out of the very end of the time of...
In every age, we see God with one salvation plan, applied in different ways. Where does Lordship Salvation fit in all of this? Rightly dividing, of...
The 7 Churches of Revelation are not such a mystery when we look where John looked, and stand where John stood, in the throne room of...
A viral video from an atheist claims that 'Jesus lied', and we will put that assertion to the test by applying rightly dividing.
Bring your King James bible and your questions as we open God’s word and spend some time in the scripture of truth. So many of you...
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are opening the floor to take your questions live on the air, and we do it in real-time in...
Biblical hermeneutics can only be understood and applied by first rightly dividing the scripture found inside of your King James Bible.
During the time of Jacob's trouble, salvation will be by faith plus works, and there will be no eternal security, you can lose it!
When we return with King Jesus at the Second Coming, the Eastern Gate will open as the sun, moon and stars willingly put their lights out.
We are looking at the signs, miracles, wonders and speaking in tongues thru the biblical filter of rightly dividing and dispensational truth.