Pope Francis met with a group of transgenders on Wednesday, with one of the group, Alessia Nobile, a man who now lives as a woman –...
More than 100 Roman Catholic church officials in Germany came out as LGBT, queer or non-binary on Monday, adding to calls to create a 'queering' of...
Retired Pope Benedict XVI has said he hopes to soon join a beloved professor friend in 'the afterlife', in a sign that he doesn't know Jesus.
This book, 'A Woman Rides The Beast' by Dave Hunt was instrumental in my early understanding of Revelation 17 & 18 in my King James Bible.
Pope Francis on Assumption of Mary feast: 'Humility is the way that leads to heaven', and that's a total lie. Only Jesus can save your soul.
Dave Hunt saw it all coming, and 'A Woman Rides The Beast' remains the best commentary ever written on the Roman Catholic Church and Revelation 17...
After all, Mother Rome brags that she 'never changes', and if that is true, you can expect to see the return of persecution of Christians.
We are looking at the subject of Christian unity within the Christian Church made up of thousands of denominations, is such a thing even possible?
Tonight we will honor the men and women that the Roman Catholic Church burned alive in the flames for daring to possess a Bible in English.
Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue sends message to Buddhists calling for a 'universal solidarity' with the world's religions.
Pope Francis hangs blasphemous image of a 'nude Jesus' caressing Judas behind his desk at the Vatican showing his demonic nature.
Pope Francis committed blasphemy when he tweeted today that Mary is the "bridge to God", she is certainly not, Jesus Christ is.
No where in the bible does it say or even imply that Jesus could not carry His own cross, that is entirely speculation on the part...
In his Christmas Day address, Pope Francis appealed to the nations of the world to share the new coronavirus vaccines with the most needy, and aborted...
The Boy Scouts of America now have more sexual abuse allegations against them than the Roman Catholic Church and pedophile priests scandal.
The Vatican and Roman Catholic Church reaching out to form alliance with 'devout Catholic' Joe Biden who is pro-abortion and pro-transgender.
In a new encyclical letter titled Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis asserts that the common destination of the earth’s goods “requires that this principle also be applied to nations,...
Pope Francis demands multilateralism in a new teaching letter, calling for more authority for supranational bodies like the United Nations.
Pope Francis told a group of parents of LGBTQ+ children yesterday that “God loves your children as they are” and “the church loves your children as...
Pope Francis tells nun Mónica Astorga Cremona in Argentina who works with trans people that "God will reward her abundantly".
The progressive National Catholic Reporter has declared Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to be the 'future of the Catholic Church' noting her abortion stand.
'Christ is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer. In Christ, I am lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer', says LGBTQ Catholic Ministries
The Roman Catholic Church used a special and unprecedented exemption from federal rules to amass at least $1.4 billion in taxpayer-backed coronavirus aid,
Pope Francis has given the Virgin Mary three new titles, the Vatican announced Saturday, which will be added to the Catholic Church’s traditional 'Litany of Loreto'