Pope Francis tells Vatican Covid-19 Commission to 'prepare the future' in post-pandemic world order, prays to John Paul II to bring in global peace.
Pope Benedict compared gay marriage to the Antichrist, leading some experts to suggest it could be a ploy to derail Pope Francis’ own highly-liberal revitalization plans...
The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT), at the Mount Graham International Observatory in Arizona is named Lucifer, and views Outer Space.
Vatican officials are refusing to say if Pope Francis has contracted the coronavirus as pontiff continues to cancel engagements at an unprecedented rate.
The Roman Catholic Church would have you to believe that Lent is about fasting and repentance, but is really the pagan rite of Weeping for Tammuz.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò says that Pope Francis is turning the Roman Catholic Church into the synagogue of Satan by his lies, deceptions and coverups.
Pope Francis summons IBM and Microsoft to Vatican to sign 'Call For Ethics' covenant in February as the Vatican wants control in technology field.
Pope Francis participates in a very creepy and sexually-charged circus act during the General Audience in the Vatican building shaped like a reptile.
The Roman Catholic Church decided at the 1545 Council of Trent that anyone who believes in salvation by grace through faith alone is anathema.
Pope Francis has abolished the 'pontifical secret' code of confidentiality used in clergy sexual abuse cases that has been used to protect pedophiles.
Speculation rises of a Vatican takeover by Pope Francis own religious order the Jesuits is currently underway within the Roman Catholic Church. End times!
Jim Caviezel gave a talk in the Netherlands where he called on Pope Francis to proclaim Mary as the co-redemptrix of all mankind as Roman Catholic...
Vatican’s Secret Archive gets name change as Pope Francis renames it to lose ‘negative’ connotation and connection with Spanish Inquisition and Nazi Germany
The Revelation 17 woman is a political power player and a spiritual ruler. The Roman Catholic Church and Vatican City fulfills this prophecy perfectly.
Pope Francis Appoints The 13 New Cardinals Who Will Guide The Roman Catholic Church Into Chrislam And The One World Religion Of The End Times.
Opus Bono Sacerdotii serves as a rapid-response team for Roman Catholic pedophile priests that steps in with money, lawyers and a hiding place from the law.
Famous American Catholic hymnist David Haas whose songs are sung in Catholic churches every Sunday has composed a new song celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride Month.
The US Roman Catholic Church said Friday that allegations of child sex abuse by pedophile priests more than doubled in its latest 12-month reporting period.
The Roman Catholic Church has opened up its annual exorcism class in Rome to all major Christian faiths to train them in Catholic ritual exorcism.
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we will be looking at the complete history of the Roman Catholic Church, its leaders, and its curious doctrines and...
Pope Francis tells his 1.4 billion followers that worshipping Mary is 'not optional' and that she alone is the way to God and that we must...
The Bible has a very unique name it uses when referring to the Roman Catholic Church - the Whore of Babylon.
If anyone would have asked me who the "Queen of Heaven" was, I could answer them immediately and accurately. The "Queen of Heaven" was the same...
The Roman Catholic Church claims to have started in Matthew 16:18 when Christ supposedly appointed Peter as the first Pope. However, the honest and objective student...