9 men got saved at the Christmas Service in Goose Creek Correctional Center in Alaska after we sent them Bibles last year Last November, we sent...
Biblical repentance toward God unto salvation is the repenting of your disbelief in Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God The role that repentance...
In our dispensation, water baptism doesn’t save you, not even a little bit, but believing the gospel Paul preached for salvation sure does Last Sunday, Hollywood...
Today you will hear an amazing story of redemption, and be reminded of the overwhelming importance of our Bibles Behind Bars program in the lives of...
Jesus got baptized by John the Baptist to fulfill God’s righteousness, not to wash away any sin because He was sinless The children’s book ‘The Baptism...
Our brand-new NTEB Gospel Witness billboard calls sinners to the Saviour on a very busy stretch of I-12 in Baton Rouge, please pray the Lord will...
In the Church Age, your ‘good news’ of salvation is not clothing, boats or tablets of stone, it is believing on the death, burial and resurrection...
When dealing with lost loved ones, we need to be willing, working and waiting on the Lord to bring them to repentance unto salvation in His...
NTEB doesn’t have fancy office buildings, no investment in real estate or crypto, every dollar we get is invested in the harvest of souls that the...
Please pray for all the souls who made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ before getting baptized, as well as the backslidden saved ones who...
God wants you to remember the Egypt you were redeemed out of, and the horrible pit’ of your lost condition before you got saved In your...
The Bible makes salvation simple, people make it hard and complicated, and here’s how you witness Jesus Christ to lost people. Your King James Bible presents...
Does the Bible agree with Calvinism that God has already saved and damned people to Heaven or Hell before they were ever even born? That is...
I cannot imagine any Bible teacher or preacher of the word of God that did not understand that the payment for sin on the cross was...
Make no mistake about it, Jesus died on the cross to secure your salvation, but He paid for your sins with His own shed blood. The...
When I read my King James Bible, and I’m just being honest, I do not see “3 equal entities” in the Godhead so much as I...
All over the world this Sunday, there will be observant Christians of every persuasion, dutifully filing into churches, who have plied themselves with enough caffeine and...
Lately, it seems that a lot of people are confused about the gospel of the grace of God and its saving power in the Church Age.
To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope...
Retired Pope Benedict XVI has said he hopes to soon join a beloved professor friend in 'the afterlife', in a sign that he doesn't know Jesus.
On our Prophecy Podcast today, a young man by the name of Michael, a Roman Catholic, reached out and asked us how he could be saved!
Tonight I want to show you from both the Old and New Testaments that you finding the will of God for your life depends a lot...
This morning, I want to bring you hope and salvation if you're lost, and I want to remind you if you're saved of what awaits you...
On March 14th, 1991, at right around a minute to midnight I got on my knees in front of a King James Bible and asked Jesus...