President Donald Trump told Jordan’s King Abdullah that the US is going to take Gaza in a meeting between the two on Tuesday. When Donald Trump...
Archeologists found an untouched tomb containing 12 human skeletons and various treasures under the Treasury room at Selah Petra in Jordan If you believe your King...
Both the ministries of the prophet Daniel and the apostle John have amazing overlapping areas as they reveal to us what shall take place in the...
The Jewish remnant who are kept safe at Selah Petra will sing this song in the Millennium when King Jesus sits on the throne of David...
French President Emmanuel Macron celebrated his 45th birthday in the Roman ruins city of Jerash in Jordan by Selah Petra The Middle East site Al Bawaba...
Tonight we cover the entire end times timeline of the coming 7-year time of Jacob’s trouble, come and endure to the end with us at Selah...
The prophet Daniel says that Edom and Moab cannot be grasped by Antichrist, and now we know why, for Edom and Moab is Selah Petra where...
The 'This Generation Shall Not Pass' From Matthew 24 is not the generation that saw Israel regathered, but the end times Tribulation Saints.
Isaiah 54:17 is God's amazing promise to keep His chosen people, the Jews, safe at the red rock city of Selah Petra during the time of...
A pool of water located close to the Dead Sea in the biblical region of Moab - modern day Jordan - has mysteriously turned blood red.
The book of Job is far more than just a tale of someone going through suffering, it is the entire 7-year time of Jacob's trouble for...
Israel and Jordan signed an aviation agreement on Thursday, allowing flights to pass directly over Selah Petra when the Jews flee Antichrist.
King Abdullah II of Jordan has warned that should Israel move forward with plans to annex parts of Judea and Samaria it will lead to 'massive...
Many Christians looking at Isaiah 26:20 to see if God is showing us a promise from scripture about keeping us safe during this coronavirus pandemic.
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we will be taking a deep-dive into Selah Petra, the hiding place of the Jewish remnant in the time of...
“Using technological evolution as a proxy for social processes, we were able to identify and characterize the emergence of the biblical kingdom of Edom,” explained. Prf....
"To Jerusalem we march, martyrs by the millions!" Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was quoted saying at Jalazone Refugee Camp near Ramallah.
The time of Jacob's trouble is going to be the means by which God restores His chosen the Jews people back to a right relationship to...
An enormous monument has been hiding in plain sight at the World Heritage site of Selah, Petra, according to a study recently published in the Bulletin...
Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood have created exactly what the Scriptures said would be created in the last days - a Muslim Confederacy whose sole purpose...