The dispensation of the Church Age was triple-verified in Acts 8,9 and 10 with the principle of personal Bible study and Bible teaching for born again...
The best-selling Book in human history has always been and will always be the King James Authorized Version 1611 Holy Bible, do YOU have the scriptures?...
Paul urges Timothy to do his diligence to come before winter to see him, but the Bible does not record if he was able to carry...
Have you noticed the level of apostasy of the Church since 1948, the rise of the crooked televangelists and the lack of genuine Holy Spirit revival?...
Hebrews 12:2 tells us that Jesus is the "author and finisher of our faith" and that if you're saved your story ends guaranteed with you with Him in Heaven. But...
The prophet Jeremiah got off to a fantastic start, but soon found out that being a prophet for the LORD came at a high cost.
Today’s Sunday Service will be a 2-hour celebration of God’s faithfulness to us-ward, in preaching, praise, prayer and testimony. It was one year ago, at the...
Peter was doing just fine walking on the water, right up to the moment he took his eyes off of Jesus and onto the boisterous wind...
The book of Second Corinthians is an incredible book, and one that not only shows you what life is like in full-time Christian ministry, it also...
We serve God not out of duty or obligation so much as because He alone is worthy to receive honor because of what He's already done...
In Mark 3, we have the account of the man with the withered hand who is asked by Jesus to do something impossible in order to...
What are you going through today, and are you able to triumph in Christ? The bible says we absolutely can, and Paul shows us how to...
Today I would like to bring you a message on clearing up the spiritual confusion you may be experiencing if you attend an evangelical, Charismatic or...
It is my heart's desire to help prepare you for your 'unbreakable appointment' that is coming so much sooner than you might think!
When we truly become Christians who are willing to follow Jesus at all costs, you can rest assured it will cost you something.
Think of this morning's sermon as Basic Training for those of us who He has called to be a soldier. The war is real, the battle...
Joshua 6 is a treasure trove of inspirational and spiritual application for the Christian living in the end times, as well as a powerhouse of prophecy...
A message on how you can know for sure you can trust God's written revelation of the coming King and the literal, physical and visible Kingdom...
The Lord has placed on my heart to preach a 'battle call' message, assemble the troops, and waken the sleeping, lukewarm Church from its slumber.
Jesus Christ not only paid for our sins on the cross at Calvary, but He became sin for us in the pit of Hell after He...
This morning I want to preach you a clear, simple easy to understand but surprisingly hard to implement message on the most disobeyed commandment to the...
Kanye West pretended to walk on water during a dramatic entrance to Sunday Service in Atlanta with televangelist and false teacher Joel Osteen.
Kanye West is supporting his hometown Black Lives Matter militia group while removing most of his 'Sunday Service' tweets from his Twitter feed.
Kanye West and his Sunday Service road show preaches a false gospel at the 2020 NBA All-Star game in Chicago, this is the Laodicean church of...